A. Overview




In the case of some of the secondary (in terms of adspend) markets, we show only links and other key information rather than spelling it all out
This is only because of limited resource and time; no disrespect to the markets concerned


Q&A: online advertising in Hungary. VJT & Partners September 24, 2024 (EN)


• The above is a good round-up with links to several of the key sets of rules 

• That includes a link to the 2015 Code of Advertising Ethics, but this is the 2023 version (EN)

• The Self-Regulatory Organisation is Magyar Reklámszövetség, or Hungarian Advertising Association


This is their February 2023 guide on the application of the Language Act in advertising (EN)


ESG aspects in the consumer goods market - Part 1

DLA Piper September 24, 2024


More to follow 










B. Content Rules

C. Channel Rules

1. TV/Radio/VOD

2. Cinema/Press/Outdoor

3. Online Commercial Communications

4. Cookies & OBA

5. Emails & SMS

6. Own Websites & SNS

7. Native Advertising

8. Telemarketing

9. Direct Postal Mail

10. Event Sponsorship/ Field Marketing

11. Sales Promotion

D. Advice & Clearance

E. Links
